As I read this portion of Scripture I am so aware of the importance of praying for one another in such a way that we desire that each one would have a deep and abiding relationship with Jesus.
Paul prays very specifically for those in Ephesus and we need to take heed to how he is praying for them to guide us in how we can pray for one another.
Let us pray for one another that:
*The Spirit would help us to know the Lord better.
*the eyes of our hearts would be enlightened in such a way to know the deep hope in Jesus
*we would understand the power of God in us is the same as the power that raised Jesus from the dead.
*God has placed everything under the authority of Jesus and that the fullness of Christ would fill us to the full!
Imagine the joy of the above prayers being answered in the lives of those we love and care for! Let us be fervent in prayer for one another and be exuberant in giving thanks to the Lord for all He has done for us and for one another!
Tomorrow we will look at Ephesians 2:1-10